The Candlelight Guitarist® - go 2 SITEMAP
The Candlelight Guitarist® - go 2 SITEMAP

The Candlelight Guitarist ™



"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."
- Sir Winston Churchill



"You do what you can do, and I'll do what I can do, and TOGETHER, we can make a difference."
- John Denver



"I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver."
- Maya Angelou



"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted."
- Aesop




"When I give,
I give myself."
- Walt Whitman



"The important thing is this: To be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become."
- Charles DuBois



"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself."
- Leo Tolstoy



"A map of the world that does not include Utopia is not worth even glancing at, for it leaves out the one country at which Humanity is always landing."
- Oscar Wilde



"There are two ways of spreading light -- to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it."
- Edith Wharton



"Sometimes our light goes out but is blown into flame by another human being. Each of us owes deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this light."
- Albert Schweitzer



"Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead."
- Louisa May Alcott



"Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there's love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong."
- Ella Fitzgerald



"Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still."
- Chinese Proverb



"The potential of the average person is like a huge ocean unsailed, a new continent unexplored, a world of possibilites waiting to be released and channeled toward some great good."
- Brian Tracy



"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
- Eleanor Roosevelt



"At first dreams seem impossible, then improbable, then inevitable."
- Christopher Reeve



You have gifts: God-given abilities and talents, of which you might not even be aware. These gifts--when discovered, developed and applied--enable you to reach towards your purpose and potential.

You can make a real difference in the world, helping to make it a better place for all.
Volunteering is a great way to use your gifts and discover new ones, helping people in your community.
And when you help others, they help you ... they help you become a better you. You'll feel good, too!

This video tribute spotlights seven of the ways people volunteer in their community. Below are links to the seven organizations, and 101+ other volunteer links.

Thanks for taking time to watch the video, and to consider volunteering!


Seven Sunflowers ...a tribute to volunteers - CLICK to go page with the YouTube screen and more info.

Learn 101 Ways You Can Make a Difference Volunteering (scroll down)

Thanks to the volunteers and organizations who participated in Seven Sunflowers:
(click links for more information, including volunteer opportunities)

Rancho Cucamonga Public Library ~ Adult Literacy Program

Canine Companions for Independence ~ Training assistance dogs

Surfrider Foundation (Seal Beach-Huntington Beach Chapter) (INTERNATIONAL) ~ Beach Cleanup and Conservation and California ReLEAF ~ Tree Planting, urban forest renewal

The Greater Los Angeles Zoo Association ~ Zoo docent

Habitat for Humanity of Orange County (INTERNATIONAL) ~ building affordable homes for responsible families in need

DisAbility Sports Festival at CSU, San Bernardino ~ Sports and recreational activities for people with disabilities

101 Ways You Can Make a Difference Volunteering
~ a wide variety of civic, humanitarian, conservation, animal welfare, special interest, and faith-based volunteer organizations ~

  1. Red Cross
  2. Alzheimer's Association
  3. Make-A-Wish Foundation
  4. Girl Scouts
  5. Hospice Foundation
  6. Big Brothers & Big Sisters
  7. Guide Dogs for The Blind
  8. Braille Institute - help blind and visually impaired people from all walks of life
  9. Kiwanis International neighborhood revitalization, organizing youth-sports programs, tutoring, and more
  10. SecondHarvest.orgFind the Feeding America food bank that serves your local community
  11. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline ~ American Foundation for Suicide Prevention ~ (local chapter finder)
  12. Help the homeles
  13. America's Promise Alliance to strengthen the character of U.S. youth
  14. Artists Helping Children knit and crochet for children sick and in need
  15. hand knit & crocheted items for those in shelters, hospitals, nursing homes and hospices
  16. Special Olympics helping people with intellectual disabilities through sports training and competition
  17. Forest Service a wide-range of volunteer opportunities, indoors and outdoors
  18. Adult Literacy Volunteering directory
  19. Helping Americans 50+ with an emphasis on those at social and economic risk
  20. Goodwill Mentoring youth, tutoring, training individuals for employment, and more
  21. Easter Seals help for children and adults living with disabilities
  22. help save and place homeless pets ( including home-based opportunities)
  23. United Animal Nations UAN shelters and cares for animals displaced by natural disasters and other crises
  24. Sierra Club Trail maintenance, wilderness conservation (use the site search to find local chapter activities)
  25. Hospital Volunteering (Hospital Profiles: a website with hospital volunteer listings) Wikipedia: "Hospital Volunteer"
  26. Humane Society: How To Volunteer at Your Local Animal Shelter Locate a shelter with
  27. Volunteering on the HIV/AIDS Epidemic ~ - HIV and Aids Volunteering Abroad
  28. USO serving our service men and women
  29. National Breast Cancer Foundation Join in the fight against breast cancer!
  30. Autism Society of America improving lives of all affected by autism
  31. National Parks Service "Volunteers-In-Parks" (VIPs) preserve and protect America's natural and cultural heritage.
  32. Citizen Corps Help through training in first aid and emergency skills; and provide support for local emergency responders, disaster relief, and community safety.
  33. American Cancer Society Helping cancer patients and their families.
  34. Create a Website for your Community provides free interactive neighborhood web site
  35. The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) Be a volunteer fire fighter
  36. Mountain Rescue Association ~ Search and Rescue Volunteer-Wikipedia ~
    Goggle's directory of Search and Rescue organizations
  37. Teach a Class In Your Community is one example of helping your community by teaching
  38. Organize a Graffiti Cleanup ~ REDUCE GRAFFITI TAGGING AND DEFACEMENT from
  39. Fight Litter in your community
  40. Start (or join) a Neighborhood Watch group
  41. Write to a Soldier ~ Adopt a Platoon
  42. Help Victims of Domestic Violence ~ ~ info and list of resources by state
  43. Start a McGruff Safe House for kids (or assist one) McGruff Houses provide a safety network for children and reduce the risk that children will be victimized.
  44. National Marrow Donor Program Become a bone marrow donor (join the registry)
  45. Help the spouses and families of our military.
  46. Become a Foster Parent
  47. Knit a Teddy Bear for a child victim of tragedy around the world.
  48. Boys and Girls Clubs of America promote and enhance the development of boys and girls by instilling a sense of competence, usefulness, belonging and influence. Boys & Girls Clubs are a safe place to learn and grow.
  49. The United Way hundreds of volunteer options available every day.
  50. Salvation Army
  51. YMCA - lead an exercise class, read to a preschool class, coach a basketball team, cook for a bake sale, design a program brochure, greet people at the front desk, and much more.
  52. YWCA USA ~ World YWCA - from rebuiding homes after natural and man made disasters, to feeding and educating street children, to providing safe houses for women fleeing abusive partners - and much more.
  53. JCC Association -started in 1854 as the Young Men’s Hebrew Association, the Jewish Community Center Association provides educational, cultural, social, Jewish identity-building, and recreational programs for people of all ages and backgrounds.
  54. Visit Prisoners to offer friendship and a listening ear to help prisoners prepare to assume a useful place in society.
  55. Help people with genealogy research: the volunteers of Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness (RAOGK) do everything from looking up courthouse records to taking pictures of tombstones. ~ Genealogy Volunteer Opportunities at
  56. Be a Museum Docent ~ How to Become a Museum Docent guide at
  57. Art Gallery Volunteer at National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC. ~ OR CONTACT YOUR COMMUNITY ART GALLERY!
  58. The Children's Defense Fund - to lift children out of poverty; protect them from abuse and neglect; and ensure their access to health care, quality education, and a moral and spiritual foundation.
  59. Volunteer Probation Officer (Orange County, CA) ...assisting in investigation of adult and juvenile cases, making home, work and jail visits, telephonic compliance checks, providing bilingual services, working with juveniles in drug treatment programs, and more. ~ Contact your local court
  60. Register to be available to help in disasters.
  61. Veterans Affairs voluntary service - support the care of America's veterans
  62. Little League - managing, coaching, mentoring, umpires, and many other support volunteers.
  63. National Recreation and Park Association - Volunteer at your local parks & recretion center
  64. 4-H - helping young people across America learn leadership, citizenship and life skills.
  65. Help a Horse Rescue Group's list of Horse Rescue Groups Listed by State ~ Links
  66. Help A Shut-In such as: hair stylist, handyman, deliver groceries or library books. TO HELP: contact your local charitable organzation, library volunteer coordinator, church or faith-based group, hospice.
  67. Meals On Wheels Association of America (local program locator) - take action to fight senior hunger.
  68. Have a Green Thumb? Be a Volunteer Gardener - Many botanical gardens, arboreta, horticulture centers, historical sites and nature centers need volunteer support! This link to can help you find one near you.
  69. International Health Volunteers (IHVO) - an independent, not for profit, humanitarian medical aid organization whose primary purpose is to establish an accessible repository of physicians, dentists and other medical experts who have the requisite skills and interest to assist in domestic and international short term medical relief projects
  70. Get involved with your school's PTA ~ Be a Room Parent! - ask your child's teach how you can help
  71. Join and volunteer with your local Chamber of Commerce to support your community. This links to where you can search for the local Chamber of Commerce serving your community.
  72. Join the Peace Corps - Peace Corps Volunteers work in the following areas: education, youth outreach, and community development; business development; agriculture and environment; health and HIV/AIDS; and information technology.
  73. Save The Children - to make positive, lasting change in the lives of children in need in the United States and around the world.
  74. UNICEF United States Fund - UNICEF works in over 150 countries and territories, in areas from nutrition to protection, HIV/AIDS to education.
  75. School Drop-out Prevention This link shows a program of Foster Grandparents working with children in danger of academic failure and children under the jurisdiction of the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice. Volunteers focus on students with failing grades, low achievement test scores, disruptive behavior, poor school attendance and juveniles in residential and correctional facilities. ~ “But What Can I Do?” - Dropout Prevention/Intervention Action Items for Community and Business Leaders
  76. Feral Cat Spay/Neuter Project - be a part of the compassionate solution to end feline homelessness. Improve the lives and health of these free-roaming felines, including spay/neuter, rabies vaccinations and providing food and shelter.
  77. Help your local Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) station - opportunities range from helping with mailings and answering phones during pledge drives, to leading station tours and organizing special events.
  78. Have a Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser - Ezine artlce on Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser How-To's
  79. ~ Assist a Charity Walk ~ (5K, 10K, Marathon) to look up races near you; then click on the link to sponsoring organizations.
  80. National Down Syndrome Society (afilliate locator) - helping people with Down syndrome and their families, by enhancing the quality of life, and realizing the potential of all people with Down syndrome.
  81. Muscular Dystrophy Association "Jerry's Kids" - bringing help and hope to hundreds of thousands of people with neuromuscular diseases. Volunteers assist with Telethon pledge centers across the country in a variety of ways.
  82. Actors and Others for Animals Volunteers can help conduct classes in both public and private schools to teach responsible pet guardianship and to motivate and instruct students to care for and protect all animals.
  83. Ronald McDonald House ...provides a “home away from home” for families of seriously ill children receiving treatment at nearby hospitals. volunteers help prepare meals for families, host movie and pizza nights, clean and organize kitchen and play areas, and maintain gardens and landscaping.
  84. Camp Fire USA ...programs include youth leadership, self-reliance, after school groups, camping and environmental education and child care.
  85. Boy Scouts of America
  86. Windstar Foundation educate, inspire and empower children and adults to create responsible choices through community and global action for a healthy and sustainable environment.
  87. World Vision "building a better world for children"
  88. Teach Sunday School this site offers "Sunday School Ideas for New Teachers" ~ Sunday School info at
  90. Christian Community Development Association
  91. Faith In Action
  92. The Jewish Coalition for Service
  93. American Jewish World Service (AJWS)
  94. Jewish Volunteer Connection ~ in a wide variety of areas, from the arts, children, computers, environment, families, health, hunger, legal, seniors, urban rehabilitation, and more.
  95. - Buddhist Notice Board with Volunteer Situations
  96. - Buddhist Work-Study Volunteer & Internship Program and other volunteer opportunities
  97. Alyateem - Orphan Sponsorship Islamic reliefs orphan sponsorship programme in UK, USA, Canada, France, Europe, and rest of the world.
  98. Baitulmaal Organization - AHED - Worldwide Islamic Relief and Development to aid the sick, aged, and helpless, with plans to improve sanitation and prevent disease, to encourage social and domestic hygiene, and future plans to build, repair, and maintain schools.
  99. Islamic Multi Service Organization a wide variety of services, including: food for the needy, community gardening and beautification, visiting the elderly and sick, providing toys for needy children, and much more.
  100. - volunteering for our projects that deliver lasting benefits in the global effort to reduce poverty and inequalities.
  101. USA Freedom Corp wide-ranging Federal volunteer initiatives, private non-profits and community serving organizations.


10 tips on Volunteering Wisely

"Until one is committed there is hesitancy, a chance to draw back. Always ineffectiveness concerning all acts of initiative and creation. There is one elementary proof - the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans. This is, that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one, that would never have otherwise occurred. A whole stream of events issue from the decision, raising in one's favour all manner of unforeseen incidents and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would come his way. Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has power and magic in it, begin it now."
- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe -

a little adventure videotaping the music...
The piece performed in the video is "Seven Sunflowers" -- originally on my CD Sunflower Serenity ...Watercolor Odyssey, rattlesnake at videotaping and it was inspired by a watercolor my mom painted for the CD's backcover. The video version was recorded live in Lytle Creek Canyon on June 20, 2008, about seven o'clock in the morning, standing in front of a sunflower bush, before a live audience: a RATTLESNAKE! That's right. After setting up the video gear, I set my coffee cup down on a nearby rock and--Whoa!--jumped back startled: a rattlesnake was coiled-up resting just a few inches beyond the coffee cup.
I thought about what to do: Well ... this is such a good place to record, and the snake was resting 15 feet or so from where I'd be playing, in plain sight (once I knew he was there)--why not go ahead and record?
--Soon after videotaping, the 3-foot-long snake figured the concert was over, so he/she slithered away and went under a rock. I was able to retrieve my coffee cup -- and the snake even left a tip: "Next time, watch where you set your coffee cup!"